Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit us here on the web. It's my hope that as you spend time here, you will get a real sense of what FALLTACULAR - "FIRE In The Smokies" is all about! Our goal is to host a high-quality, inexpensive, unforgettable weekend getaway for adults with discerning tastes.
Today, The Gatlinburg Experience is a highly anticipated, nationwide event. Hundreds of people from all over the country (from 39 different states) descend on a beautiful resort at the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, but it didn't start out that way. 10 years ago, instead of having a traditional party to celebrate my birthday, I decided to invite a few close friends and family members to join me for a relaxing weekend in the mountains. Over the years, friends invited other friends and those friends invited their friends. For years the buzz grew around Atlanta about "The Retreat".
In 2005, I decided to open up the event to the public and The Gatlinburg Experiencewas born. My vision was to create a weekend filled with things that we love to do, but because of the rigors of everyday life we rarely have time to do them. From horseback riding to spades tournaments; workshops about your money and relationships to shows and parties every night - we've got something for you!
We've worked hard all year to make this the best retreat ever and I can't wait to see you in the mountains!
Much love,
Shawn Joyner